Home Experiential Learning

Maximize Your Degree With Experience

What is Experiential Learning?

Experiential learning includes more than internships—it encompasses a wide range of activities that bridge the gap between theory and practice. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Engage in classroom projects
  • Participate in on-campus research
  • Volunteer to support your interests
  • Join student organizations and assume leadership roles
  • Try your skills in a case competition
  • Take classes that offer employer connections
  • Speak or debate in a public setting
  • Perform in a cultural production
  • Sign up for Spring or Fall Break adventures
  • Study abroad and expand your world

These experiences contribute to your personal and professional growth as well as your skill set. It's about learning by doing, making mistakes, and evolving into a well-rounded individual. Hands-on experience enables you to stand out in the job market, giving you a distinct advantage when it's your time to enter the workforce.

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Did You Know?

If you have internships and/or other experiential learning on your resume, you can apply for jobs requiring 1-3 years of experience, even as a current student or recent grad.


Internships are an important part of experiential learning. These immersive experiences provide insights into your chosen field, allowing you to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings. The benefits extend beyond the immediate learnings—internships often serve as a gateway to future employment. They can also tip you off that a particular line of work is not the best fit for you, directing you to choose better matches going forward.

U Career Success is dedicated to helping you find the right internships. From refining your resume to preparing for interviews, we're here to support you every step of the way. To find your perfect internship, log in to Handshake and make an appointment with your career coach today!

increased starting salary

Students with at least one paid internship on their resume made $15,000 - $20,000 more in their starting salary (compared to those with no internship experience).

Other Opportunities to Gain Experience

Crimson Projects
The Crimson Projects program partners companies with students for work on projects in the following disciplines: product management, product marketing, data analytics, data science, research, software development, and finance.
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The Hinckley Institute
The Hinckley Institute specializes in connecting students to opportunities related to politics and civil engagement.
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Community Champions
First- and second-years intern for local small businesses and nonprofits. All majors welcome.
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Goff Strategic Leadership Institute
Leadership happens everywhere. Goff programs help students from all backgrounds learn how to confidently lead in the spaces they care about, though for-credit projects, internships, and more.
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Ivory Experiences
Meet prominent business leaders and policymakers at a series of breakfast and lunch meeting—topped off with day on Capitol Hill for a behind-the-scenes introduction to Utah government. All majors welcome. Great experience for first- and second-year students.
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Get Paid for Your Unpaid Internship

If you’ve found a great internship for experience, but unfortunately it’s unpaid, the Step Up program may be for you!

Earn $13/hour up to 19 hours per week.

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Meet With Your Career Coach

Ready for more personalized guidance? Schedule a meeting with your career coach today!