By Danielle Baum and Leslie Bolton
The Career and Professional Development Center is hosting an event for job seeking students to connect and talk with on-campus employers about job openings. Students and employers alike are welcome to attend this virtual event from the comfort of home, a dorm room, the union or anyplace they have an internet connection.
The Fall 2021 U of U Virtual Work Study & Student Job Fair hiring event will be held on Tuesday, August 17, 10am – 2pm via Handshake.
Why students should attend:
- Meet hiring managers in real life and learn about the variety of job opportunities on campus: We are the second largest employer in the state of Utah with hundreds of jobs opportunities posted. You could apply to be anything from a fish feeder, a live model, a patient actor or an accountant. The opportunities for working on campus are endless.
- On-Campus jobs work with your student schedule: We get it. On-campus employers are more likely to work with your class schedule and are sympathetic to crunches on student time like school breaks and finals week.
- Stay involved in the campus community. Students who work on campus report higher level of engagement, improved grades and faster graduation rates.
- Build your resume and network: Working on campus allows you to build valuable work experience, meet mentors and gain references that will come in handy post-graduation in a competitive job market.
Students register for the Virtual On-Campus Work Study & Student Job Fair here
Why On-Campus employers should attend:
- A perfect match: You need workers, and our students need jobs! The student job fair is particularly helpful at finding work study students and students who are authorized to work only in on-campus jobs.
- Find hardworking students: Students are in touch with the customers you serve, they are likely already on campus to attend classes and are invested in the campus community. Student workers make our teams better serve the U!
- Build your talent pipeline: The student job fair is a unique opportunity to talk to job seekers about the variety of positions you have open, answer their questions and encourage them to apply for your roles. Student workers in part-time positions often turn into valuable long-term full time employees.
On-campus employers register here.
As a reminder, Career & Professional Development Center is open during the summer, so if you need any help getting ready for the Job Fair, schedule an appointment with a Career Coach.